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Leggo Leggo

A member registered Nov 01, 2017

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(1 edit)

Hey Strawberry!
I want to thank you again for MoM. This is one of the must overlooked gems in the Doom mod community.

I wanted to ask you if you can point me into the right direction, I want to tweek some stuff and maybe work in an addon, and I need to change the radius in which the currency glides to the player.

I was hopping to find some void GlideToPlayer(){, or something like that, but no.
May I ask you for assistance here?
Thank you in advance and sorry for the inconvenience. 

Not really enough kind words for a project like this. You know the thing you can improve and some people already gave you feedback, there is no need to state the things already told, instead I want to encourage you to keep trying, becuase the road to succeed has a lot of trial and error, and that sometimes means new ideas where implemented.

I will keep and eye one your work (just please, give me the option to invert the mouse :^)).

Side note: Deception 3 is my favourite, but people like kagero 2 in general. The og (Tecmo's Deception) has a really cool (basic) story that give you chills.

(2 edits)

Really loved the mix of Shadow Tower and King's Field (which I loved back in the 90's, even when it was super slow, even for that time) with some Soulbourne touch. While the game has it's flaws (I am one of those crazy persons who play with inverted mouse), it is incredible what you brought up. My inner kid was joyful.

I know you are improving your programming skills, and you have passion, you will achieve great thing!

Check out kagero's Deception franchise (every game has a different name) for future ideas that I think you will like to try.

Keep the nice work!

Because is from the same modder. Shrine and Shrine 2 are previous projects, and the art direction is simlar.